Gen:22: 2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac.
We all want Gods blessing and favor over our lives, God wants our obedience and faithfulness. When we walk with God we need to truly be filled with faith and trust that God is not a man, His work is true and He can not lie. When God says hHe will bless your life He means it. It is up to us to trust Him.
God has a distinct way of doing things in our lives. First God wants us to trust Him, then he blesses your life with incredible blessings. After a short season of blessing God will require something from you, often the very blessing He has given you. This is where most people loose the plot, confusion sets in and pride has an opportunity to mess with your head. How can God ask you to give back what He promised to Give you.
The answer is actually very simple, "Because God wants to give you more".
Greater Blessing, Greater Anointing, Greater Gifts,
It is a test to see if you love Him because of Who He is or What He does.
We must be willing to loose it all if we are ever going to be able to handle the massive blessing God wants us to be able to deal with. When we let go of things we hold dearest to us God pours out great blessing in those very areas. When we hold tightly and with hold from God we cheat ourselves out of Gods blessing over our lives.
Abraham was willing to sacrifice the thing that was dearest to him and that which was the absolute promise of God over his life, His only Son Isaac. Because he didn't with hold anything back, God blessed him even more then he could ever contain.
Let go of your stress and worry, trust God with your life. He is a big God and He can handle anything you need!
Have a great week!
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