Be Strong and Courageous!
The Lord says this over and over to Joshua, finally in Joshua 1:9 He says; Have I not commanded you, Be strong and Courageous, do NOT be fearful or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you WHERE EVER you go.
I have read this scripture thousands of times (literally), it is my life scripture. I read it, I study it, I pray about it, I teach on it, I dream about it, I talk to God endlessly about it and still I have so many questions about this moment in time.
So public and pressure filled, being thrust into the spotlight, not number 2 any longer now number 1. No one to turn to but God, no one else has the answers he needs.
Read this scripture and you will likely get the wrong idea about Joshua. You could think he was fearful and timid, an insecure man, maybe he looks hesitant and slow to act but you would be wrong, very wrong.
Joshua, much like Moses and David, Elijah and Elisha, was a man of action; his hands were covered with the blood of the enemy’s of the kingdom of God. He was a brilliant commander of military strategy and commanded hundreds of thousands of men into battle and to victory.
Joshua is what I refer to as a “ to the death companion”, I am endlessly searching for the Joshua’s God has placed around me. He will never leave your side, come good or bad, in victory and defeat, he is your closest confidante.
You will find in life, depending on what you do or how wealthy you are, certain people will gather around you and assure you that they “have your back” and they mean well. The amazing thing about Joshua was he didn’t just say to Moses I have your back in a battle but Joshua went out and Battled for Moses. He fought his fights. This allowed Moses to do his job
Moses job was to talk to God and seek direction, lead the Nation of Israel and pray.
Exodus 17:11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.
Jesus went to the cross for each of us, He has fought all our fights, He has endured all our pain, He has paid the price for our sin.
Jesus “has your back” and is your “to the death companion”
Live a life of Strength and Confidence; God is with you wherever you go!
Live your Best Life Today!