Monday, July 14, 2008

To Be or Not To Be

William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet “To Be or Not To Be”?

These are words of passion and anguish, words of pain and suffering and yet they are words of love.

Throughout our lives we all have one thing in common, no matter whom you are, no matter where you live or how much money you make, we all wake up each morning and make a choice. To be or not to be, all that God has called us to be.

In 1776 a couple dozen men woke up and said “We declare our independence” a powerful statement and one that cost many men and women their lives, this one choice changed the world forever.

Somewhere around 2000 BC a man named Abram made a decision to follow God and a Nation was born. He said, “As for me and my house, we shall Worship the Lord God”.

On September 1st. 1939 Germany invaded Poland a decision that would lead to a World War, Tens of thousands of people would die because of this one decision.

You are surrounded by choices, Cable or Satellite, Coffee or Tea, Mayo or Mustard, Jesus or Self.

The biggest reason we shy away from answering big, life changing questions is we don’t want to count the cost. For every decision we make there is always a cost.

The cost for following God is everything!

Only when we realize that all we have is because of Gods endless grace and love for us; only then are we able to give it all to Him. Then an amazing thing happens, God gives it back to us and he multiplies our lives times eternity.

This week you will face many decisions, some easy, some tough, make God a partner in those tough decisions and watch where He takes you, you may be amazed.

In 1993 my wife and I walked into Christian City Church, Long Island with three of our children (Elizabeth was not yet born) and began an incredible journey that has brought us unimaginable joy and also some very difficult challenges. I know that our lives are blessed and full of hope and faith because of our joining our lives with the vision of Faith filled men and women we have worked along side all these years. Men and Women like Phil Pringle, Mark Kelsey, Pam Borrow, Bill Clemens, Dean Sweetmen, Simon McIntyre and Stephen Hickson are all unbelievable, powerful workers in Gods Kingdom, not because they are Superman, but because they are ordinary people that woke up one morning and made a decision to Serve God with all of their hearts for the rest of there lives. They have counted the cost and are willing to pay with their lives.

It is with enormous excitement that I announce (declare) that My Family and I are planting, Christian City Church, RALEIGH, NC.
We will hold our first service on July 24th @ 7pm (Thursday).

We will be holding meetings in our Home for the first couple of weeks, as we grow we will be moving into a bigger space just down the road.
We are located just off Capital Blvd. within Wakefield Plantation.

Our address is 12613 Honeychurch St. Raleigh, NC 27614
You can Google our address for directions.

If you are living in the Triangle area and are looking for an exciting, powerful, relevant church stop by and check us out. Bring a friend with you.
If you know anyone who lives in the area, let him or her know we are here.
Get the word out. Tell EVERYONE!!!!!

We are on Youtube at
Our website will be up in a couple of days, I’ll keep you posted as that comes online.
You will be able to find all the service details on there as well as events and music, videos and blogs like MANA, which will be hosted on C3Raleigh’s website.

If you enjoy MANA I would simply ask for your prayers as we charge into this new season in God.
We need everything and yet nothing will help enough if God is not the absolute focus of everything we do.
Pray for a gathering, for God to gather people, all kinds of people.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.
Have an awesome week,
Talk soon

Ps Stephen Alexander