Monday, January 28, 2008


Happy New Year to all, hope your Christmas and New Years were wonderful and that this year is the beginning of an incredible adventure in your relationship with God.
We live in an incredible time in history and in an amazing place to see all that God is doing all around us.
One of the greatest gifts I have ever been given has been the privilege of being part of an amazing church on Long Island NY. What made this church so special for me was the constant visits from men and women of God from all over the globe. On average we would have a guest speaker every two months, many were from places you would not go even if you were paid a lot of money
The interesting part was that everyone who spoke had amazing stories about what God was doing all over the world, not just in Greenlawn NY. My worldview and my God view was shifted and enlarged. It is hard to be unhappy with your house and the car you drive when you hear stories of teenagers in Africa who walk for two hours to go to a bible study. The world starts to look different and inevitably so does God.
So very much of our lives are viewed from a very narrow window, everybody wants to believe that they are aware of all that is going on around them, but only the truly wise know that we are living life, spiritual life that is as though we are blindfolded.

1 Corinthians 1:18
18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

There can be little debate that our natural mind and our spiritual life are at odds. Most of the everyday things we worry about are of little consequence to our spiritual calling. We are always looking for God and His call and purpose for our lives and it seams like the harder we look the more elusive God is.
There is never just one thing we need to know or understand about God.
There is however one thing that makes an enormous difference not only in how you see the world but how the world views you; Atmosphere.

Take the finest seed the most fertile soil and the purest water, put them together in Napa CA. In April and in a couple of months you will have an incredible harvest. Take the same seed, soil and water and bring them together on Mars and you get nothing, the atmosphere simply can not sustain life.
We fight through life and try to bring life to a lost world within a caustic atmosphere and don’t understand why there is no harvest. We have to create an atmosphere of God, a place where people breathe in the breath of the Spirit of God in a positive loving environment.
Create an Atmosphere of heaven around your life and watch how your world changes, lives are healed, chains are broken and devils flee.

Think about this; corporations spend billions of dollars to create a certain atmosphere in stores and places of business to make you spend more money and be more productive. Sounds, smells, colors are all used to influence you and create the illusion of an atmosphere; this causes you to think or feel a certain way.

Begin today; you can change the world around you.
Next month we’ll talk more about how to create a godly atmosphere that is in touch with the world today.

Have an awesome week,
Talk to you soon.