Have you ever forgotten your keys?
You’re on your way home or to your car and you have a strange feeling. A little voice inside your head says something like; “Hey are you missing something?” You don’t want to hear this thought so you ignore it and hope it goes away. Moments later you arrive home or to your car and you are left standing outside unable to enter. That feeling was right, you forgot your keys.
Funny though, you are not suddenly without your keys, you have been without them all day long. However, you are suddenly aware of your loss and the consequence of that loss is now very apparent.
This is the same with our relationship with God. There are Keys to our relationship with God. Keys that open doors to our understanding of our purpose in God and the development of our relationship to Him.
The best part of these Keys is they will work for ANYONE who takes a hold of them, and uses them. So, if you are Super Mega-Church Pastor, or you just heard the name Jesus for the first time today, these Keys will work for you if you apply them.
Four Simple Keys:
1) Prayer – You must Pray to God. It is our life line to God. The Bible tells us that God's people will know Him by His voice. How can we know Gods voice if we don't talk to Him on a regular basis.
How often should you pray? It doesn't matter if it is 5 minutes or 1 hour, it makes no difference. This is a matter of quality over quantity. Pray from your heart, not with your mouth and you will be amazed by the result. Heaven will open over your life and God will step right into your life.
2) Word – Read your Bible, it is your user manual for life. The Bible is alive and active. The bible is spiritual food, feed on it daily and you will grow strong in your understanding of God and yourself. Read it, it's all good.
3) Faith – Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it’s impossible to please God.
Faith is spiritual exercise. Our bodies need to exercise if we want them to grow and perform at their greatest potential. Spiritually, we are confronted with challenges that seem impossible. If we exercise our faith it will grow. As we pray and move in obedience to the will of God our Faith grows, our revelation of the Greatness of God increases and gives birth to a greater Faith.
Our greatest challenge will be to get our heads out of the way to Believe God for bigger and better things.
Even with the smallest faith you can change the world.
4) Focus – This is a vital Key that magnifies the other keys. Focus is like a magnifing glass, it makes small things look bigger. If you use a magnifing glass to focus the power of the sun you can start a fire. If you focus your life on Praying, Reading the Word and Building Faith you will set the World on Fire!
Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Four simple Keys, each open a new door in your Life long adventure of walking with God. Together these four keys can transport you to an amazing place with God.
Get your keys out! Get ready to enter into a new place in God.
Have an awesome week and I'll see you next week.