Prayer and Fasting, more prayer and more fasting.
It is amazing how some things never change and how we deal with the same subjects at very different times in our lives and in history.
When Jesus was facing something big he always did one of two things. He Prayed for guidance and he Fasted. Many times he did both. Jesus knew his Father had all the answers and prayer is our communications hotline to God. Fasting takes our focus off ourselves and puts it on God the Father. There is something about physical hunger that puts us in touch with our need for spiritual nourishment.
1 Corinthians 2:9 says it well, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"[b]— 10but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
We have no idea how big God is, BUT we can get a picture of Gods plan through spiritual connections, PRAYER!
Our focus can not be in two places at the same time, you must choose to either focus on your needs or Gods heart
The apostle Peter has taken a beating from most religious pundits for jumping out of a perfectly good boat and then sinking in front of Jesus and his friends. (Matthew 14:28 )
I only wish we all could have the excitement and faith that Peter had.
Not only did Peter love Jesus but he wanted to be just like him, he would do what ever Jesus asked and not question his every request. Peter saw Jesus walking on the water and said Lord call me out to you. Peter wanted Jesus to empower him and Peter walked on the water with Jesus. Only when Peter was distracted by the howling wind and crashing waves did Peter take his focus off Jesus and he did begin to sink, but Jesus was there for him. Jesus stretched out his hand and lifted Peter up and they both walk on the water back to the boat.
I would like to be the guy who took the chance, to have faith in God to walk hand in hand and sink, is far better then to just play it safe and stay on a sinking ship.
It is time we started walking on water, or at least try.
God has called each of us to join him on an incredible journey; it is up to us to take the first step towards him. God is calling, will you answer.
I hope you find time to pray and fast this week. Find a quiet place and spend some time with God. It will bring you places you could only dream of.
Have an awesome week.
Ps. Stephen Alexander