John 12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
The church is not a private club; it is not for a select few. Unlike many of the most exclusive clubs and associations, they thrive and create a sense of importance by excluding people.
The church is for everyone.
Jesus tells his followers that anyone can do what he has done if they have faith. We are limited from the minute we are born. Right after Ma or Da the next word we learn is NO. No don’t touch, No don’t eat that, No, No. The idea of “No” is meant to create safety and order in our lives. Order and Safety are good, as long as they don’t limit our spiritual growth. For most of us that is exactly what happens.
Jesus is God of the possible, our lives are infinite yet we live as though we are finite. Only two things are needed to follow God to all he has called you to be.
Faith and an Obedient Heart.
With God you can do anything, think bigger and then go even bigger still!
Think about all that God can do through you, instead of what He can do for you. You will be completely surprised by all that God can do with an obedient heart.
You are greater then you will even imagine. Take a walk with God this week and see where you end up. Don’t be surprised when you are healing the sick and suddenly blind eyes see.
You are Gods greatest joy!
Believe it, and have a wonderful week.
See you in Church!
Ps. Steve