In the year 1900 a dream was born, and it was a grand dream, unlike anything before it.
The White Star line commissioned the construction of two luxury liners far larger and grander then anything else on the sea. Both ships were built simultaneously, right beside each other, both would be famous and both now rest at the bottom of the ocean.
The two ships are the Titanic and the Olympia.
We have all seen the movie and we know the song, the Titanic is a bigger then life story about the perils of pride and ignorance.
The Titanic cost 7.5 million dollars in 1912, that is a lot of money and still substandard rivets and faulty steel plating were used.
The design of the Titanic was state of the art, and still it sank.
No expense was spared on this ship and in the end the seat that everyone wanted was on a life boat that cost $200.
Sometimes we see something and it looks awesome, it is wonderful and grand but the truth is if you buy into that thing it will kill you.
Money is a funny thing, and Jesus talks about it throughout his ministry. There is nothing wrong with money, I’ll take all I can get, but you must be the master of money. You can never let money be your master of it will kill you, you will chase after it and every time you get your hand on a bunch of money, it will be gone.
Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24
Money is the currency of the earth, but faith is the currency of God.
Sometimes you have to look past the logical, because the facts are not the truth. Truth is often difficult to find and doesn’t always make sense.
Tithing does not make mathematical or financial sense
If you give God 10% of all you earn, how do you end up with more money than you started with. Tithing is about letting go of your control and having your faith built as you trust in God to provide for you in a supernatural way. Until you learn to let go of things you are subject to their power but when you let go you are free to live a powerful faith filled live.
Anyone on the Titanic that didn’t want to leave the false safety of the BIG ship, that didn't let go of the railing and get in the Lifeboat, they drown. Those that let go and even lept off the side of the sinking mamouth into the icy water and swam to the lifeboats, they were saved.
Let go of the fears and powers that are holding you back from living a powerful, fruitful life in God. Put your trust in Him and he will lift you up and protect you.
Have an awesome week,
Talk to you soon.
Steve A