Happy New Year to all, I hope everyone had a special Christmas holiday celebration, surrounded by friends and family. I love New Years celebrations, the time of year always causes me to reflect on me altitude and longitude and my attitude.
It amazes me that every year, regardless of the balance on the checking account or the number of presents under the tree I always come to the same conclusion. I am filthy rich in the blessings of heaven.
In the mortgage and real estate business a pipeline is a reference to future business and you always want to have business in the pipeline. A good sales person may have as much as 6 months of future business in their pipeline.
As I survey my life, I can point out blessing after blessing to anyone who would ask to see my treasure here on Earth. I would have to first point to my relationship with my Creator, just the fact that I can walk and talk with the creator of all the Universe continues to blow my mind, to the point that I can’t even put into words with any real justice.
I would next point to the amazing woman that God has given to me as my wife, again I struggle for words to describe the love I have for this beautiful precious woman. I know that she loves me for me because God has placed us in each others hands and we are both in His hands. We have four amazing children that we have poured our hearts and lives into.
Talking with your children is like talking with God, at first you do all the talking because you feel you can help them by telling them what to do. Then one day you realize that you learn a lot more about them and life is so much easier if you listen to what they have to say.
I could point to many things that have passed but what is amazing is when I look to the future my spiritual pipeline is full as far as I can see. I have had the incredible privilege of being around so many awesome men and women that have taken time to pour Gods anointing and blessings into my life and my family.
Everyone is blessed; the bible says the rain falls on the just and the unjust, the saved and the heathen. The key is to look for the blessings and be thankful for the ones you have.
In 1 Samuel ch. 17 David is compelled to fight Goliath, King Saul sees David’s Faith and passion and allows him to fight the giant Philistine but first he tries to help David by giving him his armor. A noble and honorable gesture on Saul’s part after all David was a shepherd not a soldier and he was only a young man. Most men would have died in that armor fighting but David knew that he was blessed and gifted as a shepherd, he had defended his flock against lions and bears. David took off the Kings armor and fought with Goliath as a shepherd, with the tools of the shepherd and he defeated Goliath.
This year take time to discover who you are in God, don’t take on someone else’s stuff. When you do what you are gifted to do it is easy for God to bless you and you will grow and prosper in every area of your life.
God didn’t promise to make your life perfect, He said he would make you perfect.
Have an awesome New Year!!!
Be Blessed,
Ps. Stephen Alexander