Saturday, October 13, 2007

Who are you?


Can you answer the question in one paragraph, how about one sentence?
It sounds like a simple question, but the fact is that everyday it becomes more of a mystery to the world around us.

Most folks when asked this question respond by telling you what they do for employment. Ex. I'm a Chef, a Realtor, a Banker, a Welder, others explain their role in the family, I'm a Dad, Mom, Grand Father...

Think for a second about the general message our society is broadcasting to us and our children.

In short the message is," Money can solve all your problems. "

OK , I know you're thinking about alot of other things you or your kids hear and see on TV and in the movies, but I am talking about the bottom line.

For example you may hear "You need to look a certain way", it's OK if you don't look that way, you can buy those clothes, that look or the Dentist can give you those white teeth and you can buy that cool new car or that big house.

Here is the interesting part, their is nothing wrong with money. Money is a form of currency, it could be gold or sugar or oil, just about anything people put a value on.

The problem is people are creating their self image and basing their self worth on how much money they have and that is a serious problem.
Money becomes the most important thing in their life, it becomes the answer to all their problems and in effect takes the place of God.
God needs to be the most important person in your life and your relationship with Him needs to be the most important relationship in your life. You should be looking to God for all your answers.

If you are the leader of your family, you need to shut off CNN and the TV and the computer and you need to hear from God.
Even more important then your relationship with your wife or husband and children. God should always be in between you and everything else.
God must be first!

Psalm 119: vs. 105 says "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

If we walk in the dark on a narrow path and we have our light behind us we are going to stumble and trip up and fall, because we will not see what is right in front of us, never mind what is coming at us from a distance.

Create a Spiritual Mirror to see yourself in.
A spiritual mirror is like an X-Ray, it sees through all the stuff on the outside and looks into your life, into your spirit to see what is going on, on the inside.

Proverbs 29:18a " Where there is no vision, the people perish";

We need to see the plans that God has for us. This should be our Vision.
God wants to bless your life. He wants you to prosper and succeed. He wants you to know how much He loves you. He wants you to know how awesome you are and all the wonders He has planned for your life. See your life through Gods eyes and you will see the power of God alive and working in your life. Then when you are asked , who are you? You can answer with confidence,

"I am a child of God!"