I love to read the Bible, it keeps me sharp and it always challenges me. It also reminds me of the passion that God has for us and how He wants to connect with us.
When Jesus says things like, “ (Luke 17: 33 – Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever losses his life will preserve it”. You may not understand exactly what he is saying but you know he is saying something other then the words you are reading.
God spends a lot of time thinking about us, He spent a good deal of time thinking about creating you. He knows how tall you are, how beautiful you are. He knows what gifts and talents he gave you and he knows your thoughts, even when we are not sure of who God is and how He works.
You (insert your name here) are a special person. Ephesians 1: 4-5 says that God chose us as a special and Holy people before he even created a place for us to live. Before the foundations of the heavens and the Earth, God thought about you, He dreamed about you, about walking and talking with you.
God has an awesome plan for your life. Life with God is exciting and full of adventure, it is anything but boring. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon or the Rocky Mountains or the sun setting over the ocean? Could the same God that created all that be limited by anything?
The adventure begins when you say yes to walking with God and you let go of your fears and all the things that hold you back from taking that first step towards God.
Have an awesome week, you are an original work of art, signed by God.
Ps Stephen Alexander