Relationships are powerful things, good relationships can strengthen us and make us appear better then we really are. Bad relationships can destroy us, no matter how great we actually are.
2 Corinthians 6:14: "Do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? What fellowship has light with darkness."
Paul's writing can not be over stated, we are given the image of to oxen plowing a field. The oxen are yoked together, if they work together they can accomplish great shows of strength, however if one pulls and the other does not then less work is done then if there was only one oxen.
Our greatest relationship in our lives has to be between us and God. When we connect with God we are yoking our lives to the architect of our lives, no one is more for you, no one could be a better match.
We can help so many people as we share the experience of our relationship with God with our friends and family. We must be powerful influence on the world around us!
Connect your life to God, pray daily, read your bible, set time aside each day to talk to God. You will be amazed how easy it is.
Have a great week,
See you in Church!
Ps Steve