ʻI humbled my soul with fastingʼ Psalm 35:13.
What is Christian fasting?
The Bible speaks of fasting as abstaining from food for a time in order to grow spiritually, glorify
God, enhance our spirit, receive healing, and grow our prayer life. Fasting is not a way to get
God to do what we want; fasting changes us, not God. It is more about denying our natural
appetites and raising our spiritual appetites. (See Isaiah 58:6-12)
Redeem the time
Where possible, the time that is not spent on eating (or whatever else you choose to fast from)
is spent on your relationship with God, prayer, reading the Bible and seeking the Lord.
Types of Fasting
Food (full or partial fast), Media (TV/radio/music), or other things that are a sacrifice for you
(things like internet surfing, Facebook, computer games, shopping).
Food Fasting Options
• Fast from one, two or all meals in the day.
• Fast from ʻbetween mealʼ snacks and ʻafter mealʼ desserts.
• Fast from particular food or drinks e.g. meat, dairy, coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate.
• Fast from solids, so that you are on a liquid fast, drinking juices,soups, smoothies.
• A ʻDanielʼ fast: as found in the book of Daniel 10:3 – where he ʻate no choice food, no
meat or wine touched my lips.ʼ Fast from delicacies, stick to fresh fruit and vegetables.
• 5 Food fast: Eating nuts, fruit, vegetables, yogurt, red meat.
Fasting tips
• Plan your fast. Pray and ask God for protection, strength and wisdom during your fast.
Look ahead, you may have to rearrange your schedule or change your grocery list.
• Consult your pastor or leader about what is appropriate for you.
• Start small. As with anything, fasting requires practice to become better at it. Set yourself
a challenging but realistic goal.
• Begin and end well. When fasting from food, the meals before and after the fasting period
should be smaller and lighter than usual. End your fast gradually.
• Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
Some warnings
• Fasting from food is not to be taken lightly. If you are new to fasting food please consult
your doctor and pastor regarding the length of time and what food you should abstain
• We always recommend consulting your health care professional and pastor or leader for
advice before undertaking any food fast.
• Do not fast from water.
• Do not fast from red meat if you are inclined to anaemia.
• Also, fasting from food is unwise if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic, prone to migraines,
pregnant, taking medication or recovering from sickness. If you have any doubts/
questions, please talk to a health care professional.
• Fasting is entirely voluntary.