Friday, October 5, 2007

Seasons of God

The only one constant in our lives is changesomeone clever.

The calendar has just flipped to a new month, and with the turning of the page some undeniable facts have come to our attention. Summer is over!
If you live in the North-western US it is probably snowing already, but down here in the South it is more of a subtle change. You need to get out early to really notice the change at first. The mornings have a wonderful freshness to them, just ever so cool. The nights seem to be arriving a little earlier everyday.

Autumn is a wonderful season, the leaves on the trees change to paint our countryside with the most amazing colors. The weather in general seems to be kinder (Hurricane season is almost over). Wonderful pleasant temperatures and clear skies make this an enjoyable time of year to get out and appreciate nature and all the wonders God has created.

Autumn is also a trigger for depression for many people, as it is the inevitable signal that winter is on it's way.

Instead of enjoying one of the most beautiful times of the year some folks are locking themselves in their homes worrying about something they can not change and have no control over. Winter is going to come!

Spiritually, each of us go through seasons in our own lives. Some seasons are short lived, while other seasons seem to last a long time.
Moses is a great example of a man dealing with the seasons of God in His life. The story of his life begins with an attempt on his life from hell, but God delivered him into the Palace of a king and protects him from evil. Just when Moses thought everything was wonderful he kills a man and runs off to spend years in the desert, but God was with him there and teaches him about the Man he is called to be. God sends him back to his old home to deliver the Nation of Israel, and before you know it he is back in the Desert again. This time he takes a few million people with him.

Moses spent most of his life in the desert with God. Because he was obedient to God and had a heart to serve God throughout his life, God used him and did amazing things through him.

Moses brought fire down from heaven, parted a sea, led millions of people to God and out of captivity, He was the voice of God to a Nation of people that thought God had forgotten them. Moses spoke to God face to face like no other man
since Adam.

You will go through seasons in your life when you feel like God is not as close as you would like Him to be. Remember God is always as close as your heart will allow Him.

1 Corinthians2:9-10 " No eye has seen
No ear has heard
No mind has conceived, what God has prepared for those who
Love Him — but God has revealed it through His Spirit".

Allow Gods Spirit to speak to you and see the transformation of the seasons of your life, as God reveals HIs plan and purpose for your life.

Be Blessed.

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