Monday, November 3, 2008

America the Beautiful

Matt: 16- tells the story of a conversation between Peter and Jesus. Jesus has told Peter that he is a Rock and that his kingdom will be built upon his strength. Then Peter declares he will go anywhere and even die for Jesus. Jesus breaks the bad news that Peter will deny ever knowing Jesus in just a couple of hours, and he did just as Jesus had said he would.

Peter spoke his heart but he was filled with fear when challenged to prove his alliance and faithfulness to Christ.


Today millions of people here in the US will be casting their vote for the President of the United States of America. This has been called one of the most important Presidential races in our counties history, interestingly enough it is the candidates that are the big news, even more then the issues they each promote and believe in.


Hundreds of millions of people around the world live under a government that is oppressive and unwilling to listen to its people. Many counties control the religion and beliefs of their people. Freedom of speech and religion are not rights of their citizens, it is only a dream for them.


The campaigns run by both presidential candidates have been ugly, both men have shown the toughness and determination that is required of a leader and both men have shown how human and fallible they both are.


Today one of these men will win the election and they will have an enormous task set before them. Not only to fix many problems within our government, but to begin to bring about some kind of healing and reconciliation between the people of this 
wonderful country.

We must pledge to pray to support the President and the leaders in Government, who ever they are, they will need our prayers and support over the next 4 years.


I believe that our country can be a strong , fruitful, powerful, loving country, but only if all the people can answer some tough questions and think long and hard about the answer they give.


What do you want your country to be?


Before you answer that question you may want to think about what you can do to bring about this country you desire. What are you willing to do to see things change or stay the same.

Will you be like Peter, when faced with the fear of the cost of your choice, will you change your answer and run away and hide.


Most importantly have you prayed and fasted concerning your choice?


God bless you all on this great day and God bless America!

Now Get out and VOTE!!!!


Ps Stephen Alexander