Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Greatest Father

The Greatest Father

The account of Abrahams life has always been a source of inspiration and awe for me. Have you ever thought about the story as it may apply to your life. The modern day church is not modeled on this kind of a life and certainly not focused on the dedication and principles behind and throughout this event in Abrahams life. 
At an age that most people would be hoping to retire and wind things down in life, Abram is given a promise from God. The one thing he has desired his whole life would be granted straight from God. A son would be born to him and his wife Sarah. God goes to the extent of changing Abrams name to Abraham and his wife is to be called Sarah, a blessed women.
Abraham has to wait again for God to provide what he has promised. Abrahams attempts to "help"god are disastrous and cause division in his family and conflict for his wife. Abraham continues to believe for Gods Promise even after this monumental mess up.
For 10 years Abraham and Sarah wait and then just as God had said his son Isaac is born. What a blessing and what a joy for them both. Abraham is 100 years old and still faithful and blessed. Years pass and one day God speaks to Abraham and says,"Take Isaac your Son who I gave to you as a blessing and as a promise and take him with you to sacrifice him". 
Can you even begin to imagine what was going through Abrahams mind. Abraham doesn't hesitate, he didn't waver, he simply acted in obedience to God request. He took his son and set out to 
make a sacrifice.
It is so easy to follow God and praise him when it benefits us, when we get something out of it BUT that's not actually the Gospel message. It has sadly become a "Christian misconception" peoples sit and judge and say if someone is going through a tough time, that they must have sin in their life. ****NEWS FLASH*** we all have sin in our lives. 
Equally errant is the concept that if I am successful somehow I am more blessed and favored by God then others.
Abraham was called by God "Faithful and Righteous" and he certainly had his share of suffering and trials. It was through the trials and suffering that he learned to trust God, (That's called growing your faith).
In todays world Isaac would be taken away and put in Children's Services and Abraham would be locked up for child abuse.
Living a life that pleases God is not about Prizes and Favor (sorry) It is about Worshiping God and being obedient to Him, no matter what is asked of us. Abraham, through his obedience and faith didn't just become the father of Isaac but became the father of a two nation and thousands of years latter that promise and those nations live on.

Abraham, Father of the year.
Happy Father's Day

Stephen Alexander