Saturday, November 15, 2008

See the Light

This week scientists have made an amazing discovery, they have for the first time seen another solar systems sun and planets. Scientists have known about other planets and solar systems but this week, after a 12 year project they saw what they had dreamed of for the first time.


Light moves at 299,792,458 metres per second or 10 trillion kilometers per year. Amazing to think that you and I can look up to the heavens and see the light of stars that have been burned out for years but their light is still shining. The same way we can look out for a light that we believe is there but we have not seen it with our eyes and yet we see it in our dreams.


How often have we given up on a dream because it wasn’t visible, we believed in our dream but when we looked for it we couldn’t see it? Unbelief whispers poison in our ear and we begin to doubt what we believe.


Can you imagine living in Noah’s shoes? You live in a desert and it has never rained before and you and your family are building an enormous ship. People stop by to watch you and ask what you are doing. You say there is a flood coming and I am getting ready for it. Can you imagine the ridicule and total mockery they faced.


It is like pointing to the sky and saying look for the star. For years people will look and see nothing, for years they will doubt and mock you. Day after day and year after year you point up and say look and see, but they can’t see the light, the star is there the entire time,but they can’t see it. Then suddenly after traveling for hundreds of light years the light arrives and everyone can see what you knew was there all along.


Within your heart is a promise from God, there are dreams and visions, words and prophecies and they are more real then the world around you. Believe in your visions and the truth that you feel in your heart. It is that which is God has placed inside you that will change the world around you.


Keep believing and never take your eyes off the light from heaven.


Hebrews 11

 1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.

 3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.