Monday, April 21, 2008

Keep it Simple

Keep it Simple!

Easy to say, but not so easy to do.

Life is so busy, it’s not just now, suddenly that things are busy. Life has been busy for a while. It’s true that the modern man has more things to distract him, but really it boils down to the decisions that we make.

Everyday decisions that seem so mundane are actually having life long and life shortening effects on us.

From the moment we wake we are setting up our future, with every choice we make.

Should I get up 15 minutes early and spend a couple of minutes praying about my day ahead? Or should I sleep in a little later and rush around trying to get ready.

Should I eat a healthy breakfast? Or should I eat one of those 1000 calorie muffins from Crispy Cream ( Yes I know they taste good.) … ( But you know they kill you the rest of the day.)

When your children or friends are sick, do you reach for the Tylenol, or do you reach out your hands and pray for them?

When you are asked about your faith, do you tell people how you really feel about God, or do you shy away from the conversation?

I spent about 2 weeks out of this past month on my back with the Flu and a nasty stomach virus. It is amazing how simple things can get when we are forced to slow down and take it easy.

There is nothing that God has planned for you that you will miss out on.

But their will absolutely be a time in your life that you will question God and wonder if he has forgotten you. You will be sure that you should be doing something or should be somewhere, and you will not be happy.
These are the most important moments to remember to simply trust God.

In the book of Daniel, Daniel is walking along with some friends and is probably wondering if God has forgotten him. Daniel has been praying about something big and has gotten no answer from God. Suddenly a man appears in front of Daniel and his friends. Daniels friends don’t see the man, but Daniel does.

Daniel’s heart and mind were set on seeing an answer from God, even though the circumstances around him said God had not heard his prayer and that he was seeing things, his heart told him to continue to believe for an answer from God and that, yes indeed there was a Man standing in front of him and his friends.

Having faith is not about blindly expecting things from God, simply because you want something and can’t figure out how to get it on your own. God is not a magic genie.

Faith is the belief in a truth. Faith comes and grows when we see God move in our lives and in the lives of those around us. It starts small and grows according to how much it is exercised.

Trust God with something small and see how simple life can get when you say, God I trust you with this “thing”. I can’t do it without you. Help me grow my faith in you.

Then trust God, Pray and read the Bible.

Have an Outstanding week!
Talk again soon.
