Tuesday, September 18, 2012



Why is Culture so important in this church?

Our Culture creates FOCUS!

Focus in the right direction.

Who knows that you can search as hard as you like, with great enthusiasm and excitement but if you are looking in the wrong direction you will only find discouragement and exhaustion.

Most church Denominations are designed to produce a behavior through rules but don't explain the reasons behind the rules. 

The result:
People become disillusioned with baseless rules and rebel, leave the church and distance themselves from God. 

Because people can't come to terms with rules in church they think God doesn't love them, because the average denominational church punishes people for sharing how they struggle with sin.
Ex. Pornography, Homosexuality, PreMarital Sex, Stealing, Lying, 

Now we can see the importance of a strong heathy church culture.

The Culture of the C3 Church is meant to appeal to the "Spiritual Man" - Your Spirit!
It deals with things from the INSIDE OUT and not the OUTSIDE IN.

**2005 housing market was insane, take a $200,000 house put new ikea kitchen and some crown moulding in the house add some cool paint and resell the house for $325,000 3 months later. Is that right, is it really a better house. Have you really added $125,000 of value to the house?

Take a person and tell them if they dress a certain way and say the right words that they are more except able to God, they are more holy or righteous is to distort the work of Christ on the Cross. It creates liers and frauds in the house of God.

(Youth Group story)

**Our culture is a reflection of our fruit, in other words 
our culture is actually a bi product of our relationship with God!

If you pray, read Gods word and Seek God with all your heart, a change will take place that is the result of living a life to please God, not to please people.

Live a life to please God!! You Win! The Church Wins, The World Wins!

On our Website:
C3 Church exists to connect people to God. The church is full of people who have discovered an incredible richness of life that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Contrary to a view held by many people, God is not dreary, depressed or weak. Rather He is vibrant, joyful and powerful. His presence should always give rise to a sense of excitement and a fullness of spirit. This understanding of God is reflected in the enthusiastic and upbeat nature of our church services.
Jesus said that He came to earth that we might have a life of abundance (John 10:10). Every time we come together to worship God we are celebrating what Jesus has done for us. C3 Church has congregations around the world that are bright, enthusiastic and relevant.
Our message is one of faith, hope and love. We have a united vision to build the church by connecting people to God, connecting people to people and also empowering people for effective, joyful service.

More thoughts on Culture:


Are You A People Visionary?
Great leaders possess a mix of an entrepreneurial spirit, the mind of a dreamer, and a compelling strategic vision that sets the overall tone and direction for the organization. They see a clear and preferred picture of the future without prompting from others. They have passion to see the vision come true even in the face of opposition.

Home Work:
1) What is your strongest Leadership Quality?

b) What is it in your life that effects and molds who you are?

3> Your "HIT LIST"